Wolf Chess
Every week learn/master one opening set.
1. What are the first 3 moves for
black, what is the right order?
Why is moving the knight first bad?
2. If early e5 what does black do?After you trade queens, where does black put his knight?
3. If late e5, what should black
do? After exd6 how does black
capture back?
4. What should the next two
moves for black be?

5. If exf5 how does black capture back? How does black attack after?
6. If white doesn't capture on f5
how does black continue his
7. When white plays Bg5, what should black always do? Do we need to push g5 after?
8. Where is white going to castle?
How does black defend against
Bh6? How does black
pawn storm white?

9. How does black attack against this setup? What side is white most likely going to castle on?
10. Can black push e5 here? If not what should black do?
11. If white gets e6 in, what should the next few moves for black be?
12. Is c6 a good move for black
here? Yes or no and why.

Kings Indian Advanced(Black)
1. How does black continue the
attack here? Should black play c6?
Yes or no and why.
2. If white doesn't push d4 what should black do? Do we want to open up the center or close the center?
3. How does black continue
the attack here? How do we
get the dark square bishop into
the attack?
4. What is the plan for black here? When white castles kingside, how do we attack?

5. What is the plan for black here? If white has a pawn on f4, why do we play it differently?
6. If white pushes d5 here what should black do?
7. If white gets in Bh6, how does black counterattack? If they attack on the kingside, where do we attack?
8. What should the next few
moves for black be? What do we want to stop white from doing?

9. If white pushes h4, what should black do? How does black counterattack after?
10. What should black do against the London? What do we before pushing e5?
11. To avoid trading queens what should black play here? What is the plan after? Which way do we capture back on e5?
12. To avoid trading queens
what should black do here? Do we lock up the center or open it up here?

1. What are the first 3 moves of the stonewall? What is your goal after?
2. If c5 or Nc6 what should white always remember to do? What should white do before outposting the knight on e5?
3. If Bxe5 how does white capture back and why?
4. If cxd4 which way does
white capture back and why?

5. What are the 4 steps to rook
lifting here?

6. What are the two weak pawns for white in the stonewall which you always have to protect?

7. If Bf5 what should white do? What side of the board are you playing on?

8.If Bg4, what should white do?
What is white's strongside in
this position?

9. If black doesn't play d5 do we play Ne5? What should white do here?

10. If black castles queenside what should the plan for white be(what is the right move order)? If black pushes his pawn to attack our king, what do we do?

11. If black pushes d6 or g6, how should white change plans?

12. If you get a stonewall vs
stonewall, what should white
always try to do first? What
side of the board should white
focus on?

Stonewall Advanced
1. If early c4 what is the plan for white? After b5 what do you do?
2. If late c4 what should white do? What is the plan for white after?
3. If black fianchettos should we rook lift? Why or why not?
4. What are the two ways to develop the dark square bishop?
5. Why is Nbd2 bad here? How can black punish white here?
6. If black castles queenside what should the plan for white be(what is the right move order)? If black pushes his pawn to attack our king, what do we do?
7. Whenever black plays e5 what should the 3 move follow up for white be? Do we push f4/if black pushes f5 what do we do?
8. What is the plan if black
plays d5? Do we play Nf3 or Ne2, which one and why?
9. How does white continue the attack here? If we want to open up the position what do we do? If black pushes f5 what do we do?
10. Why is Nbd2 bad here? How can black punish white?
11. Whenever black moves the f-pawn what should white try to do? How can black minimize the damage?
12. Normally after Nc6 we play
c3, what should white do here?
What break do we always have
to watch out for?

13. What is the plan for white
after e5? Which side should
white castle on?
14. Should white play Bf4 and hold onto the pawn? If not what should the next two moves for white be?

Stonewall Dutch
1. Why is Bb4+ bad here? What are the next 3 moves to set up the stonewall here?
2. Why did white play b3? What should the next move for black be? How do we develop the light square bishop?
3. After late c5, where should black move the bishop? What break is black trying to do?
4.Do we capture the bishop on f4 here? What is the plan after?

5. After Bg5 what should black always play and why?

6. If white pushes e4 here how does black move with tempo and punish white here?

7. If white plays the stonewall do we play d5 here? What should the next couple of moves for black be?
8. White wants to break with e4. If Qe2 what does black do, if Qc2 what should black do?

9. Do we play d5 against the London? What should the next few moves for black be?
10. What is the plan if white plays c4? What is the plan if white plays c3?

11. If white plays Nf3,g3, what are the different first couple moves for black here?
12.Where should black put his knight, Nf6 or Ne7 and why? If white pushes e4 what are the next couple moves for black?

Stonewall Dutch Advanced
1. What is the plan if after Bb4+ white blocks with Nd2? What break is black trying to do?
2. Should black capture the Knight on d2, yes or no? What break should black try to push and how?
3. If white blocks Nc3, what should black do? What are the next couple moves for black going to be?
4. What is the weakness in white's position? What is the best move order for black to attack the weakness?
5. If Bxd2+ Qxd2 what is the plan for black here? What breakthrough is black trying to push?
6. Before black pushes e5, what does black need to play and why? What is black's strongside?
7. If Bxd2+, Nxd2 what are the next couple moves for black? Why do we wait to castle here?
8. What should the next move for black be? What is our strongside? Do we want to lock up the center or open it up?
9. In this line when should black capture the knight on c3? What are the next couple moves for black?
10. What is black's strongisde? What is white's threat, how does black continue the attack?
11. If white castles queenside, what do you want to do to the queenside? What do you want to do to the kingside? How does black open up the queenside here?
12. Should black put the knight on f6 or e7? After Nc3, Qb3 how does black protect the pawn on d5?

13. If white pushes f4, do we capture or lock it up? Which one and why?
14. Here we can't go e5 because cxd5 so what should black play? If white's next move is d4 what does black play?
15. If early d5 what should the plan for black be?
16. If b3 why can't black play e6,f5? What should the first two moves for black be here?

17. If white pushes g4, what side should black castle on? What should the next few moves for black be?
18. If Nc3 do we push d5 or f5, which one and why?

Exchange French
1.What should black play next? What is white's weakness going to be?
2. When do we capture the pawn on c4? What should black do with his Dark square bishop? What side does black castle on?
3.What do we do after Nf3? What side should black castle on?
4.What should black do whenever white plays Nc3?

5.What should black play next? What two frenches could this turn into?
6.What should black do next? How do we force white to make a decision?
7.What should black do here? What side do we castle on? When do we capture the pawn on c4?
8. What is white's weakness? What side do we castle on? What do we do with our dark square bishop?

Only do the next 4 if you're brave enough to castle Queenside...
9. How can black punish white here?
10. If white doesn't allow you to pin his knight, what should black do?
11. If white plays Bb5, do you still 0-0-0, if not, what is the plan?
12. How does black attack here?
If white plays b5, what should
black do?

Advanced French
1.What should black do if white doesn't play c3? Why do we do it?
2.Which way do we capture back here? Why do we capture this way?What is our goal after capturing?
3.Where is the weak point in white's position, how do we add pressure to it?
4.What do we do after the bishop moves? When white plays Bd3 what do we do and why?

5.Can we capture the pawn on d4? Do we capture the second pawn on e5? What is our main goal after choosing to win or not win the pawn on d4?
6.What should white do if Be2(Don't forget the bishop just moved)? How do we add more pressure to d4?
7.What should black do next? With our knight on f5 what do we have to watch out for?
8.What do we do if white plays a3? Should we play c4 and lock up the position?

9.Whenever we move the f-pawn what should we watch out for? How do we develop our kingside to castle?
10. How do we attack the e5 pawn with our bishop and knight? What do we do first/why do we do it?
11.Do we lock up with c4 or open it up with cxd4? Why do we open/close it? Do we capture on e5 after?
12.Instead of trading queen's what can we do? How does apply more pressure to d4 after that?

Classical French
1.Here in the classical french, how does black start?
2.What pawn does Black put pressure on? What should the next two moves be?
3.Next black needs to develop the dark square bishop, what is the most active way to do this?
4.How does black pawn storm white now? What do we need to do first?

5.What should black do next? How do we attack the knight on a4 with multiple pieces?

6.How does black get rid of his bad light square bishop? If white plays h6 what do we do?

9.Do we win the free pawn and capture on g5? Why or why not? If not, what should black do instead?
10. VERY IMPORTANT! Why is c5 bad here, what should we do first?

7.If white castles kingside what do we do? Do we do the same plan or change?
8.How does black respond after white plays Bg5?

11. Which way do we capture the pawn on c5, and why?
12. How does black defend here?
What color squares are weak
for white?

Tarrasch French
1.Here in the Tarrasch what is the next move? Why do we play it?
2. If white plays Ngf3 what should black do?
3. What are the next two moves for black?
4. If white tries to protect the pawn, how does black apply more pressure?

5. If white plays Bd3 what should black do?
6. After white plays c3 what good middle game transition can black do?
7. If white plays exd5 what is the plan for black?
8. If white plays dxc5 what should black do next?

9. What is the maneuver for black to win back the c5 pawn?
10. If white plays c3, what should black do?

11. If white locks it up with e5, how does black try to win a pawn?
12. If white tries to go Qg4 what should black do?

French - Sidelines
1.If white plays c4 here do we change plans?
2. A tricky move order how should black respond? Think about space?
3. How should black respond to the check? What is white's weakness and what is our first goal in this position?
4.Why did white play Qe2? How
should black respond?

5.What is the plan for black? What do we play before white gets a chance to?

6.What opening is this similar to? What should black's plan be?

7.What tactic does black have here? Where should black put his knight on g8?
8.If white plays b3 what should black do? What side of the board are we going to play on?

9. What move should black play next? Why do we play this move, what is the plan after?

10. After Bb2 what should black play here? Why do we play this move?

11.Similar to the Qe2 line what setup should black do?

12.Once again what should black
play before white can? What is our
plan after?

13.If white plays e5 what should Black do?
14.Which way should black recapture? If white didn't capture on d6 and played d4 what opening did it transpose to?
15. What should the next move for black be? Why is the position good for black after that?
16. What should black's next move be? What piece do we capture the c5 pawn with?

17. How does black start a kingside attack here?