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In Class Training

Set 1

Students 1200+

1. Which of black's pieces are doing nothing? What is the best way to get it into the game?
2. Which of white's pieces are doing nothing? How does white bring it in?
3. What is white's weakness? What type of weakness is it? How does black attack it?
4. What are black's weaknesses? What type of weaknesses? What is the best way for white to attack them?
5. White to play and win
6.White to play and win
7. White to play and win
8. White to play and win
9. What is white's threat? How does black defend by attacking here?
10. Should white trade queens here? Yes or no, and why? What is the best move for white now?
12. What is black's threat here? What is the best move for white(look at all the possibilities)?
11. Should black capture the knight here? If you capture the knight what is the follow up? If you don't capture knight what is white going to play?
13. What is the easiest way for black to win this position?
14. Should white trade queens here? Calculate what happens after. 
15. What is the best way for black to try and win this endgame?
16.. How does white get a strong endgame advantage here?

Set 2

1.Black to play and win
2. Can black capture the pawn on d4? Yes or no and why.
3. Black to play and win
4. What is white's weakness? What type of weakness? How does black attack it?
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5. White to play and win
6. Why can't black castle here? What are 3 different ways to get your king safe.
7. White to play what is the best continuation?
8. White to play, what is black's weakness? What type of weakness? How does white attack it?
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11. Can white or black win this
position? Yes or no, and why.
10. How does black trade pieces and simplify the position?
9. How does black get his pieces in and attack white? Find the best defensive moves for white too.
12. How does black bring in a piece with tempo here?
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13. White to play and win. 
14. How does black defend with tempo here?
15. White to play and win
16. White to play and BMPI, this one is very tricky. 
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Set 3

1. White to play and win, open up his position.
2. Should black capture the pawn on c2 or a2? Which one and why.
3. Black to play and win
4. What is white's weakness? What type of weakness is it? How does black attack the weakness?
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5. White to play and win
6. Black to play why is Rxe6 losing for black? What should black play?
7. White to play, is this a win, draw, or loss for white? Which one and why. 
8. Black to play, what are white's weaknesses? What type of weakness? How does black attack the weakness?
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9. Black to play and win.
10. You want to move the knight and discover check. You want to capture the knight on f8. What is the best move for black?
11. Black to play, is this a win draw or loss?
12.Black to play. Which piece is not involved in the attack, how does black bring in a piece with tempo?
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13. Black to play and win with tempo.
14. Should white play Rac1,Rdc1, or Rd3 which one and why? Think about what black will play after your move. 
15. White to play, is this a win draw or loss? Which one and why.
16. Which of black's pieces are not in the attack, how does black bring it in with tempo?
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Set 4

1.Black to play and win
2.What are both of white's threats? How does black defend with tempo?
3. White to play is this a win, draw, or loss?
4.White to play, what is black's weakness? What type of weakness is it? How does white attack it?
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5.Black to play and win
6. What is white's threat? Find 3 different ways to defend, which one is the best one?
7. White to play can white stop black's pawn?
8. White to play. What is black's weakness? What type of weakness, and how does white attack it?
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9. White to play and win
10. White to play, how does white defend with tempo?
11. White to play is this a win, draw, or loss?
12. Black to play, how does black bring pieces in to beat white?
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13. White to play and win
14. Black to play, what is white's threat? Find 3 different ways to defend and pick the best one. 
15.White to play and win. 
16. Which of white's pieces are doing nothing and how does white bring it in?
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Set 5

1.White to play and win
2.What is black's threat? Find 3 different ways to defend and pick the best one.
3. White to play, is this a win, draw, or loss?
4. What is black's weakness? What type of weakness? How does white attack the weakness?
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5. White to play and win(be creative for this one).
6.Qxe3 or Rxe3, which one and why? What will white do after your move?
7. White to play, is this a win draw or loss and why?
8. What is black's weakness? What type of weakness? How does white attack the weakness?
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9. Black to play and win(be creative)
10. gxf3,Rxf3,Bxf3, or Qxf3? Which move and why?
11. White to play is this a win draw or loss?
12. White to play, how does white bring in more pieces to help the attack?
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13. Black to play and win. Calculate at least 4 moves. 
14. Black to play. If black plays Bxf5 what will white do? What is the best variation for black?
15. White to play, is this a win draw or loss?
16. Black to play, how do you bring an important piece into the attack?
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Set 6

1.White to play and win
2. Should black capture the rook with the king or the rook? Which one and why?
3. Black to play is this a win draw or loss?
4. What is white's weakness? What type of weakness? How does black attack the weakness?
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5. White to play and win, all forced.
6.Black to play, how does black force a queen trade?
7. Black to play is this a win draw or loss?
8. What is white's weakness? What type of weakness? How does black attack the weakness?
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9. Black to play and win.
10. Should white play d3 or d4, which one and why?
11. Black to play is this a win, draw or loss?
12. Which of black's pieces are doing nothing, how do you bring them in?
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13. White to play and win.
14. Rxe5 or Bxe5, which one and why?
15. Black to play is this a win draw or loss?
16. What is the best way for black to bring pieces in to defend this position?
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Set 7

1.White to play and win
2.What is black's threat? How does white defend with tempo?
3. Black to play is this a win draw or loss?
4. Should white play h6, or hxg6?  Which one and why? What will black play after your move?
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5. White to play and win
6. Should black play Re7, Re8, or Rd2? What will white play after each of those moves, which rook move is the best?
7. White to play is this a win draw or loss?
8. Should black capture the bishop or the rook? Which one and why?
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9. Black to play and win.
10.How does black defend actively here?
11. White to play is this a win draw or loss?
12. Should white play Rh8+, g6, or Qh5? Which one and why?
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13. White to play and win.
14. Should white play g6, Qh8+ or something else? What is black going to play after those moves?
15. White to play is this a win draw or loss what is the best move for white?
16. Should white play Rac1, Rdc1 or something else? Which one is the best and what is black going to play after either of black's moves?
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Set 8

1. Black to play and win
2.White to play, what is the best move after Rg8+?
3.White to play, is this a win, draw or loss?
4. Should white play Rxd8 then Qh4+ or Qh4+ first?
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5.Black to play and win.
6. Black to play, find two ways to save the pawn on e4(defend with tempo).
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7. Black to play what is the plan for black to try and win this position?
8. Should black play Qxd1+ or Bxd1?
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9. Black to play and win
10.Does Nf2+ work? Calculate the continuation. 
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11. Black to play is this a win draw or loss? What is the best move for black here?
12.Nxg4, Rxd1+ Rxc4 which move and why?
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13. White to play and win.
14. a5+ Kb7 Nc6 Qa8, what is the winning move for white, don't let his queen get away. 
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15. White to play is this a win, draw or loss and how?
16. Should white play Qxf7+ cxb7 or c7, which move and why?
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Set 9

1.White to play and win. 
2. Which is the best discovery check with the knight? What will black play after your move?
3. White to play is this a win draw or loss?
4.Should black play Kxg6 or fxg6, which one and why?
5.White to play and win. 
6. Should black play Rc1+ or g4? Which one and why?
7.White to play is this a win draw or loss?
8.Should black capture the bishop or the rook? Which one and why?
9.Black to play and win.
10.Should black play Rc4 or Rd3? Which one and why?
11.Black to play is this a win draw or loss?
12.Should black play Rxh5, or Qxb2, which one and why?
13.Black to play and win.
14.Which is the best discovery check with the knight, or is there a better move?
15.White to play is this a win draw loss, and why?
16.Should black play Rf5 or Bxf6? Which one and why?

Set 10

1.White to play and win. 
2.Find the best way to defend as white here.
3.Black to play is this a win draw or loss? What should black play?
4. Should white play h8+ first or trade queens first?
5.White to play and win. 
6. Should black play Qxg5, Nf6 Qh7  here?
7.White to play is this a win draw or loss? What should white play?
8. Which of black's pieces are doing nothing, how does black bring it in?
9.White to play and win.
10. White to play, find 3 different moves here for white, which one is the best one?
11.White to play is this a win draw or loss? What should white play?
12. White to play, find two moves that bring pieces in with tempo
13.Black to play and win.
14. Find three different moves for black here. Which one is the best one?
15. White to play is this a win draw or loss? What if black going to play after your move?
16. Black to play, find a really cool move for black that wins! 

Set 11

1.White to play and win. 
2.Black to play, what is the best way for black to defend?
3. White to play is this a win draw or loss?
4. White to play should you play g7,Rg4 or Rc8?
5. White to play and get a big advantage. Which of black's pieces can you try to attack and win?
6. Black to play, what is white's threat? How does black defend by attacking here?
7.Black to play is this a win draw or loss?
8.Can white play exf6? Calculate the variations after.
9.White to play what is the best move/variation for white?
10. Can black capture on e2? Calculate and decide yes or no. 
11. Black to play is this a win draw or loss?
12. White to play calculate the win. 
13. White to play find the best move that wins. 
14. Black to play how do you defend and win after?
15. Black to play is this a win draw or loss?
16. White to play should you play Rd7+ Nc6+, Rf8+ or something else?

Set 12

1.White to play and win. Check all the checks.
2. Should black play Rxf7 or Kh6? Write down what white will play after each move. 
3. Black to play is this a win draw or loss and how?
4. Should white play Kh1, Kg2 or Qxg3? Which one and why?
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5.Black to play and win.
6. If black plays bxc6 what will white play? What should black do here instead?
7. Black to play is this a win draw or loss?
8.Should white play Qg6, Qg8, or Qxe7? Which one and why?
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9. White to play and breakthrough and win
10. Qh6 + or Nxd5 which one first and why?
11. Black to play is this a win draw or loss?
12. White to play mate in 5
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13. White to play calculate a forced win.
14. Should black play f5 or Kh8? How will white defend Qxh2 mate?
15. White to play is this a win draw or loss?
16. Black to play Nf2+ or Rxf1? Calculate mate for black. 
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Set 13

1. Black to play and win
2.White to play, what is black's threat? How does white defend with tempo?
3. White to play is this a win, draw, or loss?
4. Black to play should you play Qxf7, Kxf7, or Rxe4?
5. White to play and win
6. Black to play should you play Rxe8, Bd7 or move your king? Which one and why?
7. Should white play Kxf3 or gxf3 which one and why?
8. Should white play Nxf6+, Bxf6 or Kxf3?
9. White to play and win. Find the breakthrough!
10. White to play is this a win, draw or loss?
11. White to play is this a win draw or loss?
12. Should white Ng7 or Nf6, which one and why?
13. White to play and win
14. Should white play Nd5, Nb5 or Qxd4 which one and why?
15. White to play is this a win draw or loss?
16. Should black play Bxe5, Bxe4, or Nxe4? Which one and why?

Set 14

1 White to play and win
2. Should black play Qe2 or Rf8?
3.Black to play win, draw or loss?
4.Should black play Qxc2+ or Rfd8?
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5. White to play and win
6. Should black play Qxe4, Rxh2+ or Qe5?
7. White to play is this a win draw or loss?
8. Should white play Bxf7+, Qxc1, or Bxc6+?
9. Black to play and win
10. Should black play Qxc7, Qf5, or Bd6?
11. White to play win draw or loss?
12. Rg8 or Qg4?
12. Black to play and win
14. Rxd5, Qxc6, Bxd5 or other?
15. Black to play win, draw or loss?
16. Should white play Qxe4, Rxe4 or Qxf7+?

Set 15

1 White to play and win
2. What are black's threats? Should white play Qxd3 or Rxd3?
3. Black to play, win draw or loss?
4. Black to play, Kf2, g4+ or Qf2? Which one and why?
5. Black to play and win, Nxg2 or Nh3+?
6. Black to play, what will white play if black plays Kxd6? How does black defend with tempo here?
7. White to play is this a win draw or loss?
8. Should white play Qxb6, Qxb7+, Bxd4?
9. White to play and win, find the breakthrough.
10. What is black's threat here? What is the best move for white?
11. Black to play, win draw or loss? What is white's threat?
12. Should white play Bh5, Be6, or Bc4? Which one and why?
13. Black to play and breakthrough.
14. Black to play and defend with tempo. After Bd6 white is gonna play e5, how does black not lose material. 
15. White to play win draw or loss? 
16. Should white play Rxe5, Na5 Rf2, or some combination of those moves?

Set 16

1 White to play does Bxh7+ work?
2. What is the best move for white? Think about stopping blacks defense
3. Black to play, win draw or loss?
4. White to play, should you play b6, or c6, what is the follow up?
5. White to play and win
6. White to play, defend with tempo. What is black's threat? Eventually after Qf1+ what will you play?
7. Black to play is this a win draw or loss?
8. Should white play Kc8, Kc7, or g8(Q)?
9. White to play and win, don't let him run away
10. What will black play after Rb8+? Does that win? What is the best move for white?
11. Black to play, win draw or loss?
12. Should white play Bh6 or Qf3 or other? Which one and why?
13. White to play and win
14.Black has the outside passed pawn, how does he defend his weakside? Find the best move for black.
15. Black to play win draw or loss? 
16. Should black play Re8, d5, Rxh2 or Qg3? Which one and why?
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